Monday, December 5, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Hi everyone! First let me start by saying. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! This has been a great year for us. Let me start with the oldest ;) Cody has been excelling at work. We are so proud of him. He keeps on surprising us with his promotions. Raely is doing so well at everything she does. She wants to try karate next. (oh boy!) I guess I can't keep her my little princess forever. She is doing so well in school. I am one proud Mamma! Caleb definitely keeps me on my toes. I can't even imagine what the next year is going to bring with him. I am exhausted just thinking about it! He really is a joy though. He is definitely a "little boy". I can't believe how different my kids are. I love it! I am so thankful for my little family. I hope that your holidays will be filled with love and joy. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!