Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hey everyone! Things are going really well down here. Same old, same old. Below are some pictures with Raely and her buddies. The little girl is Courtney. She is in Raely's gymnastics class and the little boy is Conner "the big brother". Raely's says that Courtney is her best friend lol. So cute! They have been getting together at least once a week for play dates. The Mom's name is Kelly. She has got me started in boot camp. Right now I can't move. I am sure that it will get easier, eventually. I can't wait to get in shape. I hope to run a 5k in the summer. In Vernal of course, I would never run in the summer here! Cody is staying pretty busy with his new job. He loves it though. Caleb is doing great. Getting huge!!! He is already a 20 pounder lol. My arms are feeling it. We hope all is well.