Thursday, October 29, 2009

Well we were able to save about 90% of the pics. Enjoy!
Dancing at the reception
Johnny and Brittany's ice sculpture

Papa, Nana, and Jamie

Uncle Chuck and Papa

Jamie and Eric

Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle David

Uncle Chuck and Aunt Lori with Lola

Uncle Brian, Aunt Cheryl, Grandma, and Grandpa

Johnny and Brittany

Grandma and Grandpa Mold

Raely and Scooter watching Robin Hood (Matt and David's dog)

Amber, Dace, the crazy boys and Raely

Johnny and Brittany's first dance

Uncle David and Raely

Me and Raely at the Mall of America
Raely, Uncle David, Uncle Matt, and me

Cody, ect.

Raely and Scotter (David and Matt's dog)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Boy did we have a rough night last night! As you can see from the pictures, Raely got her first stitches. Four to be exact! She was spinning and took a header into the fireplace. We were at the emergency room until midnight last night. She did really good though for the doctor. The doctor was even amazed that she behaved so well while getting the stitches. Minnesota was a blast! Thank you Matt and David for letting us stay at your place! The reception was beautiful! I don't have any pics yet because my memory card is not working. Cody is taking it to a camera place today to see if there is any way to save the pictures. I hope that they can because there were some really cute pics. We hope that all is well!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hi everyone! As you can tell we got Raely a little playhouse. We have actually had it for a couple of weeks but I just now got around to taking pictures. She loves it! We finally had our first cool day here. We are only in the 70's! This gave me the perfect chance to try one of Raely's fall outfits on her. I don't know how much use we will get out of them living down here. I know that we will get to use them when we go to Minnesota in a couple of weeks. We are really looking forward to that! Can't wait to see everyone up there! We love you all and hope that all is well!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Yesterday we went to the zoo. We had a lot of fun! It was only in the 80's so the animals were out playing which made for a good show. Raely thought it was the neatest thing. Every animal we saw she had to make the sound the animal made. In the kiddy part of the zoo she was even able to pet a goat. It was a fun afternoon.