Thursday, August 26, 2010

This is what I found in my rose bushes this morning. He is bigger than the palm of my hand. You can't tell it but that is a mahogany wasp that he has caught in his web. I will never get use to the bugs down here!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It is official, Raely has started school. Lucky for me it is only one day a week. I only cried a little. It is hard to believe how much they make up your life! She was kinda scared. There was two little boys freaking out that their moms left them. If they wouldn't have been crying, she would have cared less if I left her there. I talked to her a little and told her how much fun she is going to have with all the kids and toys. After that she was good. After I dropped her off I went and registered at the hospital. Let me know if you want the number so you can stay updated when we are having the baby. Other than that, things are great. They are saying that we might get down to the low 90's by the weekend. I hope they are right. I need a break from the heat!

First day of school!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Well we got a good start to Caleb's nursery. It is almost done. We decided to go with the jungle theme.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hey everyone! Today was Raely's first day of gymnastics. She loved it! I knew she would though. My living room has been her gym so far. Hopefully my couches can take a break now. She will be starting school in about two weeks. She will be going one day a week from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. I know that she will do great. I just don't know how I will do!?! We have less than 7 weeks left now! I can't wait. We pretty much have every thing done. Just waiting for Caleb now. Below are some pictures of Raely in her gymnastics outfit. She is pretty proud of it. We love and miss you all!