Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Hey everyone! We just had our 2010 family pictures taken. If you want any of them, start at the top and start with number one. Don't forget to say what size too. Caleb is getting big. He is about 13 pounds now. He has his 2 month check-up next week. Can't wait to hear the doctor say how amazing he is. After all, she is the professional! We are staying in Houston for Thanksgiving. Going to just be the four of us. For Christmas we are going to Vernal. I can't wait. It will be a year since we have been there. Raely is loving school and gymnastics. She would go every day if she could. We hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. We love and miss you all!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Hey everyone! We had a blast this Halloween. Amber, Dace, and the crazy boys came out to spend Halloween with us. The time just flew by. I miss them so much already! Raely had a blast with the boys. It was go, go, go at our house. I am so thankful that they were able to come out and spend time with us. We love and miss you all!

Long day at the boardwalk!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Here are some of the pics that we had taken on Sunday. This is NOT all of them. She has been sending me pics as she completes them. Hope you like them! Let me know if you have a favorite and I will order you one!